I lost my daddy. I will FOREVER love the man he truly was, and I will FOREVER miss THAT man. I have the perfect picture of THAT man hanging in my living room, holding me when I was 5 or 6; and it will always be shown to any new visitor to my house - because that is a TRULY HAPPY, CAREFREE daddy-daughter moment.
The last few months with this blog, I get in this mood to share, share, share!!! Then I get a feeling that no one wants to read my "junk" so I don't post for a while until something hits me hard. But Keith reminded me of something tonight at a church picnic, this blog is FOR ME. I told a friend at church about this blog, and how I do it to try and let people see inside the world of O.C.D. and inside my head. And when Keith was talking about my blog during that conversation - he said "it is her outlet and way to express things she cannot say out loud." I realized then my neglect of the blog is OVER.
SO ATTENTION!!! If you don't want to read about my O.C.D. junk - STOP READING NOW and FOREVER! LoL! And if you want only fun, fluffy, feel-good stories to read - no need to stick around here. This blog is about my O.C.D. riddled mind and what goes on with me -so it will be the GOOD - the BAD - & the UGLY; IT WILL BE REAL!!! Be prepared...
Another thing, I read a couple of old posts tonight - get over the spelling and grammar errors. When I get going, I am SO NOT worrying about that. I am typing from my heart, from deep down and the grammar means nothing at that point, even to a former teacher.
After talking to a friend today, who asked questions - WHICH I LOVE!!! I have decided to post some back story here in the next few days/weeks. About how all this "happened" to me. And if you are still reading this - and you are curious tonight or EVER - ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEVER mind being asked about the O.C.D. - NEVER! I want people to learn about this disease and how TRULY awful it is, and how silent it is. And I want people to learn how powerful friendship and love are, and how your note or email can mean the WORLD to someone dealing with a mental illness.
We are in the bed, I have a hubs snoring beside me, a dog snoring on the floor beside him, and another dog at the end of the bed snoring. OH MY! The only ones not snoring are Marlie & Me. (LOL! that was funnY!)
I am off to play a game on my Nintendo DS for some down time before going to sleep. Nite :o)
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Hugs & Love,